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    FLOWN for universities

    Get access to FLOWN for your staff and students

    And with the rise in remote learning, challenges around motivation, attainment and wellbeing are growing steeper.

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    🎯 Increase productivity and course completion rates

    🎯 Improve focus and wellness for students and faculty

    🎯 Boost overall levels of attainment

    🎯 Reduce pressure on student welfare teams, especially
    around ADHD support

    We provide online sessions and resources designed to trigger sustained bouts of concentration, and enable healthy habits for the brain.

    • 65+ hours of live, facilitated focus sessions weekly

    • Led by professional, highly experienced facilitators

    • Designed around key insights from behavioural science

    • Live and on-demand content to help you unwind, manage stress and recharge

    Our mission is to help everyone get more done and feel good doing it.

    How FLOWN enables focus…


    Social accountability

    At the start of focus sessions, users commit to tasks in small groups



    Members are encouraged to concentrate on one thing at a time – combatting overwhelm and encouraging deeper focus


    Body doubling

    Members work alongside each other via video call, using 'body doubling', a technique often recommended to people with ADHD


    Time blocking

    Scheduled time for staying on task brings greater structure to the member's work day


    Hawthorne Effect

    Members are encouraged to stay on camera so that they feel the accountability provided by the group

    "I've personally found a lot of benefit from using FLOWN and have been happy to recommend it to both staff and students at the University of Birmingham."

    Dr Karen Guldberg, Head of the Department of Disability, Inclusion and Special Needs (DISN) at the School of Education, University of Birmingham

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    FLOWN is not another productivity strategy, learning resource or version of a to-do list. It is a tool that can be used while you work to enhance focus, structure the day, and get important work done.

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    "Sprint towards progress"

    I love FLOWN and encourage my team to get stuck into the platform. We use Flocks to focus together and sprint towards progress. It's a no-brainer because it boosts their achievement and sense of wellbeing.

    Dan Murray-Serter

    Co-founder, Heights

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    "Achieve more than I'd do on my own"

    I've got severe ADHD so my work is often interrupted and I frequently feel overwhelmed. FLOWN helps me work calmly, get through my admin, and achieve more than I'd do on my own.

    Patricia Bidi


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    "Increases my confidence"

    FLOWN has completely changed how I work. A few hours of really meaningful deep work helps me feel like I’m really achieving something. I'm more productive now than I have been for a long time.

    Hari Berrow

    PhD student & scriptwriter

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    "Focus on big tasks"

    FLOWN is perfect to focus on big tasks. I get the headspace to get stuck in without being distracted by calls and emails. I get work done in less time than it would take me previously just by cutting out the distractions.

    Ashleigh Kelly

    Head of Finance

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    "Block out distractions"

    As a developer, I really value being able to block out distractions and work in a focused way, uninterrupted, for blocks of time. I find Awe Walks great for switching off, too!

    Jonander Elosua

    Full-stack developer

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    "Moments of connection"

    What I get from Flocks: concentration, productivity and… connection! FLOWN has a magic formula that helps me focus, while weaving in moments of connection – wonderful for remote workers.

    Rachel Carrel

    Founder, Koru Kids

    Dealing with extended and often lonely periods of self-directed study is a challenge.

    With postgraduates forming a quarter of our members, FLOWN offers an ideal community for those in long term study to network, focus together, and be supported in their work.

    FLOWN has helped countless postgrads like Hari to connect with likeminded others, find accountability, and complete their projects with greater ease.

    ✔ Find community

    ✔ Reduce stress

    ✔ Boost attainment

    Problems with focus

    Those working or studying remotely are more likely to struggle with work-life boundaries and focus. FLOWN provides the structure and community to help members do both.

    Mental health

    FLOWN's toolkit can help people with emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Time management, social interaction, and accountability are all central to the platform.


    People who have or suspect they have ADHD find that FLOWN helps them stay on task, often while they go through the lengthy process for getting a formal diagnosis.

    The NHS reported a 20% year-on-year rise in ADHD diagnoses in 2022. As awareness of neurodiversity grows, so does the pressure on institutions to offer support.

    But with formal ADHD diagnoses taking around 18 months to complete,
    many academics and students are left with minimal help in the meantime.

    FLOWN is a non-medical intervention
    suitable both before and after ADHD diagnosis

    🎯 A ready Access To Work-approved resource for those with ADHD

    🎯 Supportive online community - 1/3 of members identify as ADHD

    🎯 Unlimited virtual coworking for those struggling with focus

    🎯 ADHD-specific chat groups to connect and share insights

    🎯 Accredited 1:1 ADHD coaching available via the FLOWN platform

    🎯 A trove of ADHD articles, resources and practical insights

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    FLOWN for universities FAQs
