Membership benefits

    Learn about what's included in your membership

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    🥊 For the price of a single gym session a month, you can get a bucketload of features that help you become more productive, super fulfilled, and mentally stronger than you’ve ever felt.

    Here are the 10+ features included in your FLOWN Full membership👇

    1. Flocks

    With 80+ hours of scheduled weekly focus sessions, you'll never be without an accountability buddy and you can work to your own schedule.

    One- and two-hour facilitated sessions help you focus on anything from life admin tasks to tackling your biggest projects.

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    2. Drop-Ins

    An all-day silent co-working room you can join and leave at any time you like with no pressure or commitment.

    Add your goal for the session in the sidebar, set a timer for yourself, share your playlist and start ticking off your to-do list.

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    3. Take-Offs

    Short sessions designed to set you up for a focused and fulfilling day. It combines meditation, journaling, and goal sharing with a small group.

    🤜 Boost motivation and enhance mental clarity

    ✍️ Encourage creativity and self-reflection

    🥰 Connect with a community of like-minded people

    4. Airflow

    Whether you need to dispel some work stress, or shake off ‘brain fog’ and stagnation, breathwork is a powerful practise that can make a huge difference to your wellbeing.

    Airflow sessions help clear your mind and restore your reserves. Run by experienced coaches, these sessions are free as part of your FLOWN membership and can be accessed online from anywhere.

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    5. Trained facilitators

    At the heart of what we offer are the charismatic personalities that guide our live experiences and provide the space for you to do your best work.

    Amongst our family of 20+ facilitators you'll find storytellers, breathwork coaches, productivity pros, mindfulness masters, writers, yogis, creatives and many more.

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    6. Manage my Week

    Pick the sessions you want to add to your personalised FLOWN schedule, and structure your day on your terms.

    📆 Plan your week with deep work front and centre

    ♾️ Seamless integration with your personal calendar

    😍 Make changes easily

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    7. Public Wall of Accountability

    Share your intentions with others, encourage your fellow flownies, and celebrate your mutual successes.

    ✍️ Write what you want to get done

    🦋 Other members will give you wings and encourage your progress

    🎆 Mark as complete and celebrate

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    8. Super events

    Special workshops and sessions sprinkled out throughout the year that will teach you new skills and help you connect with yourself and your goals.

    🤔 Quarterly reflection sessions

    🎆 An annual big picture event

    🚀 Level up your focus workshop

    ... and many more

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    9. FLOWN Radio

    Music can evoke a depth of emotion or take us back in time, but music has also been proven to increase attention and improve memory. Your brain is just better on music.

    🎵 30+ Playlists for deep work and recharge

    😍 Personal focus playlists by our facilitators

    🎹 New playlists added monthly

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    10. Awe Walks

    Awe Walks are a form of “productive” or “active” meditation,  where our trained guides lead you virtually as you walk in your surroundings and experience something novel.

    They are designed to help you cultivate a sense of awe and wonder - even amid the ordinary. A key for a joyful life.

    11. Green Scenes

    Science shows that 40 seconds of gazing at nature (even on a screen!) boosts your concentration and your sense of wellbeing.

    Switch off your distractions, and take this moment to immerse yourself in a natural scene and just breathe...

    12. Portholes

    Take inspiration from the craft of others and train your brain with the help of these absorbing work-with-me films.

    The antidote to white-noise playlists, grainy study YouTubes and dull productivity timers, Portholes provide a motivating backdrop to keep your focus razor sharp.

    Open a Porthole when you need an inspirational buddy to work alongside. Play the video as you work, and stay on task for the duration

    13. Academy

    A multi-media sensory experience, bringing you tantalising mini insights, whether you are new to deep work or an aficionado.

    The definitive 'how it works' guide for your brain. Learn how to focus, recharge and spark your curiosity with a range of insightful content.

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    Get access to all of the above and more

    Sign up now for a 30 day free trial

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